Spending hrs creating app store screenshots?
Join devs using AppShots to effortlessly create and manage app store screenshots.

ℹ️ Requires macOS 11.2+

Create Professional Store Screenshots
- ☑️ 10x faster
- ☑️ In an easy to use editor
- ☑️ With maximum control over design

Shortcuts To Speed Up Creation
✅ Copy/Paste/Delete seamlessly across screenshots ↩️ Undo actions swiftly across the app 💨 Speed up your workflow by 2-3x

Not a design wizard?
We got you covered with
- ☑️ Ready-to-use templates to get you to speed.
- ☑️ Templates that attract users.
- ☑️ Uniquely designed templates for your need.
Request templates you need specifically and we'll try to ship them for you! 💜
Hard time following screenshot guidelines?
We make sure,
- ☑️ Screenshots follow proper guidelines.
- ☑️ Use proper screenshot sizes.
- ☑️ You're up-to-date with latest device frames.

Panoramic Backgrounds Support
- ☑️ Easily create consistent flow screenshots with Panoramic backgrounds.
- ☑️ Engage your users to see more of your screenshots!

Screenshots Generation On Fly with Quick Editing Features!
Automatically generate screenshot sets for different device frames based on screenshot sets you designed for other frames.

200+ Unique design assets to create your unique app identity!
Stand out in the crowd by using various design assets to spice up your screenshots design. New design assets added every week!

Maximize User Acquisition with High-Quality Screenshots
Over 50% of mobile users download apps based on app store screenshots. Don't miss out!

Sharing app updates with your friends?
Use Mockups-Playground to create mockups for sharing and marketing needs.

Features built to boost your productivity!

✨ 100+ Background Presets
Speed up screenshot creation with 100+ background presets.

🌍 Built-in Localization Support
Easily localize the screenshots content to reach a wider audience.

😌 Easy To Manage
With AppShots Apps feature, you can manage screenshots for multiple apps with ease.